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MegaSquirt V3 Main Board Component Changes

Component V3 Main Board V2.2 Main Board Notes
Capacitor, 0.1uF C1 C1 CPU
Resistor, 10K Ohms R1 R14 CPU
Diode, 5.1V Zener not used D1 CPU
Diode, 5.1V Zener not used D2 CPU
Diode, 5.1V Zener not used D3 CPU
Diode, 5.1V Zener not used D4 CPU
MAP sensor U2 U3 MAP sensor
Capacitor, 0.1uF C3 C3 MAP sensor
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R2 R2 MAP sensor
Capacitor, 0.22uF C2 C4 MAP sensor
Capacitor, 0.001uF C4 C5 MAT sensor
Capacitor, 1.0uF C5 C6 MAT sensor
Resistor, 2.49K Ohm, ¼W, 1% R4 R4 MAT sensor
Resistor, 2.2K Ohm, ¼W R5 R5 MAT sensor
Resistor, 2.49K Ohm, ¼W, 1% R7 R7 MAT sensor
Resistor, 2.2K Ohm, ¼W R8 R8 CLT sensor
Capacitor, 1.0uF C7 C8 CLT sensor
Capacitor, 0.001uF C8 C9 TPS Sensor
Capacitor, 0.22uF C9 C10 TPS Sensor
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R9 R9 TPS Sensor
Resistor, 50K Ohm R3 R3 BATT
Resistor, 10K Ohm R6 R6 BATT
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R10 R1 EGO sensor
Resistor, 1M Ohm R11 R29 EGO sensor
Capacitor, 0.22uF C10 C2 EGO sensor
Optoisolator (4N25) U3 U4 Ignition Trigger
Resistor, 100 Ohm R44 not used Ignition Trigger
Resistor, 4.7K Ohm R13 R11 Ignition Trigger
Inductor, 56mH L3 not used Ignition Trigger
Diode, 1N4001 D1 D5 Wing Diode
Diode, 1N4001 or 24V Zener D2 D8 John Diode, use 1N4001 with hall sensor, 24V Zener with coil trigger
Resistor, 390 Ohm, ½W R12 R10 Ignition Trigger
Capacitor, 0.22uF C30 not used Dave cap (retrofitted as C26 on V2.2 boards)
Capacitor, 0.001uF C12 C12 Ed cap
Capacitor, 0.01uF not used C11 Ignition Trigger
Resistor, 4.7K Ohms R13 not used Ignition Trigger
Resistor, 4.7K Ohms R54 not used Ignition Trigger
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q23 not used Ignition Trigger
Capacitor, 0.01uF C11 not used Ignition Trigger
Resistor, 47K Ohms R47 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R45 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R46 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 1M R51 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 47K Ohms R48 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 22K Ohms R49 not used VR circuit
Resistor, 10K Ohms R50 not used VR circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D24 not used VR circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D25 not used VR circuit
Capacitor, 0.01uF C32 not used VR circuit
Capacitor, 0.001uF C31 not used VR circuit
Transistor, ZTX553 Q22 not used VR circuit
Flyback Transistor (TIP42) not used Q1 Injector driver circuit
FET Driver, (34151 or IXDI404PI) U4 U7 Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 10K Ohm R14 R30 Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 10K Ohm R17 R31 Injector driver circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D3 D20 Injector driver circuit
Diode, 36V Zener D21 not used FET spike protection
Capacitor, 0.1uF C13 C29 Injector driver circuit
Capacitor, 4.7uF C14 C30 Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 22 Ohm, ¼W R15 R12 Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 22 Ohm, ¼W R20 R17 Injector driver circuit
FET, IRFIZ34N Q1 Q2 Injector driver circuit
FET, IRFIZ34N Q5 Q7 Injector driver circuit
Schottky Rectifier, 1N5819 D17 not used Injector driver circuit
Schottky Rectifier, 1N5819 D18 not used Injector driver circuit
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q14 not used Injector driver circuit
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q15 not used Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 0.050 Ohm, TO-220 R37 not used Injector driver circuit
Resistor, 0.050 Ohm, TO-220 R38 not used Injector driver circuit
Diode, FR301 D5 not used Flyback board
Diode, FR301 D7 not used Flyback board
Transistor, TIP42 Q3 not used Flyback board
Transistor, TIP42 Q11 not used Flyback board
Transistor, TIP125 Q9 not used Flyback board
Transistor, TIP125 Q12 not used Flyback board
Diode, 36V zener D6 not used Flyback board
Diode, 36V zener D20 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R18 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R30 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R33 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R35 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R31 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 270 Ohm, ¼W R34 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R32 not used Flyback board
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R36 not usedFlyback board
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q10 not usedFlyback board
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q13 not usedFlyback board
IGBT Driver, LM1949 U7 not usedIGBT circuit
Capacitor, 0.02uF C33 not usedIGBT circuit
Capacitor, 0.01uF, 630V C34 not usedIGBT circuit
IGBT, IRGB14C40L Q16 not usedIGBT circuit
Resistor, 470 Ohm, ¼W R42 not usedIGBT circuit
Resistor, 1K Ohm, ¼W R55 not usedIGBT circuit
Resistor, 0.01K Ohm, 2W R43 not usedIGBT circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D4 D7 Fuel Pump drive
Transistor, ZTX450 Q2 Q3 Fuel Pump drive
Resistor, 1K Ohm R16 R13 Fuel Pump drive
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q19 not used Fuel Pump drive
Resistor, 1 Ohm, ½W R40 not used Fuel Pump drive
Diode, 1N4001 D8 D9 Fidle Valve
Transistor, ZTX450 Q4 Q5Fidle Valve
Resistor, 1K Ohm R19 R16Fidle Valve
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q20 not usedFidle Valve
Resistor, 1 Ohm, ½W R39 not usedFidle Valve
Regulator, LM2937ET-5.0 U5 U5Power circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D9 D12Power circuit
Capacitor, 33uF C16 C15Power circuit
Capacitor, 33uF C17 C16Power circuit
Capacitor, 0.001uF C15 C14Power circuit
Surge absorber, ERZ-V20D220 MOV1 not usedPower circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D11 D14Power circuit
Diode, 12 V 1W Zener D13 D16Power circuit
Diode, 1N4001 D10 D13Power circuit
Diode, 22 V 1W Zener D12 D15Power circuit
Capacitor, 0.1uF C18 C17Power circuit
Polyfuse, RXEF050 F1 not usedRelay Board
Inductor, 1uH L1 L1Power circuit
Inductor, 1uH L2 L2Power circuit
Capacitor, 0.1uF C19 C18Power circuit
Capacitor, 0.1uF C20 C22Power circuit
Capacitor, 4.7uF C22 C21Power circuit
Resistor, 10K Ohm R21 R20Clock circuit
Resistor, 100K Ohm R22 R21Clock circuit
Resistor, 10M Ohm R23 R22Clock circuit
Capacitor, 0.033uF C20 C19Clock circuit
Capacitor, 0.01uF C21 C20Clock circuit
Capacitor, 50pF C24 C23Clock circuit
Capacitor, 20pF C25 C24Clock circuit
Crystal, 32.768 KHz Y1 Y1Clock circuit
Resistor, 330 Ohm, ¼W R24 R23Injector LED
Resistor, 1K Ohm R26 R25Injector LED
LED D14 D17Injector LED
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q6 Q9Injector LED
Resistor, 330 Ohm, ¼W R25 R24Warm-Up LED
Resistor, 1K Ohm R27 R26Warm-Up LED
LED D15 D18Warm-Up LED
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q7 Q10Warm-Up LED
Resistor, 330 Ohm, ¼W R28 R27Accel LED
Resistor, 1K Ohm R29 R28Accel LED
LED D16 D19Accel LED
Transistor, 2N3904BU Q8 Q11Accel LED
MAX232CPE U6 U6Serial comms
Capacitor, 0.1uF C26 C25Serial comms
Capacitor, 0.1uF C27 C26Serial comms
Capacitor, 0.1uF C28 C27Serial comms
Capacitor, 0.1uF C29 C28Serial comms

MegaSquirt® and MicroSquirt® controllers are experimental devices intended for educational purposes.
MegaSquirt® and MicroSquirt® controllers are not for sale or use on pollution controlled vehicles. Check the laws that apply in your locality to determine if using a MegaSquirt® or MicroSquirt® controller is legal for your application.
©2004, 2005 Bruce Bowling and Al Grippo. All rights reserved. MegaSquirt® and MicroSquirt® are registered trademarks. This document is solely for the support of MegaSquirt® boards from Bowling and Grippo.